DxU Methods Workshop

Digitalization is rapidly changing the way we do research, and the way we learn and educate others. Advancements in digital technologies have tremendously increased the available amount of data creating many new possibilities for analyses. At the same time, digital transformations have also changed the way we work and consequently what and how we need to learn to be productive academics. The covid pandemic has further emphasized the importance of these technological developments and has helped us to think about the many opportunities that technologies provide us to improve our research and teaching.

The aim of DxU Methods Workshops is to help SBE researchers to explore the possibilities of the various technological developments offer for the way we do research, and for our education programs. For example, digital technologies (e.g., sensors, AR, VR) offer new data sources and opportunities to develop new methods for answering the challenges society is faced with. The analysis of unstructured data, such as text, pictures, audio and video, has opened up a myriad of opportunities for novel data analytical approaches and scientific insights.

In the DxU Methods Workshop we will encourage informal and non-formal learning of novel research techniques, ensure we are up to speed with the methodological state-of-the-art, and, if need be, contribute to the methodological improvements and innovation.

DxU Methods Workshops offer study groups for researchers to study and advance innovative techniques and methodologies. Topics for the study groups may include Machine Learning, Text Mining, Video Analysis, Data Visualization, Artificial Intelligence, High-performance Computing. 

If you feel important topics are missing and if you want to contribute to these methods workshops, please contact us by email.

Past DxU Methods Workshops

  • Thursday 3 March 2022: Introduction to Machine Learning - Concepts and Practice by Roberto Cerina.
  • Wednesday 9 March 2022: Introduction to Text Analytics by Adam Jassem.
  • Tuesday 29 March 2022: Web Scraping for Dummies by Marc Becker and Eric Schaap.