
The business world has an ever-growing need for people adept at handling data in all its aspects, just as academia and national institutions require expertise in the use of cutting-edge tools to make full use of the wealth of data being generated. Whatever their career destinations, our students need to gain cutting-edge skills at both a technical and conceptual level, and to transfer data science to daily business practice. Equipping students with such knowledge will prepare them for the modern job market, and the Data-Driven Decision-Making team aims to bring this new focus into the faculty's teaching and research programme.

Specifically, we make contributions in the following areas.

Current BSc and MSc programmes

Many courses in both the BSc in Econometrics and Operations Research and the MSc in Econometrics and Operations Research touch upon data science, and we are already exploiting the capacity of D3M members to emphasise the importance of data science in several courses in these programmes.

D3M also offers the foundations for the MSc in Business Intelligence and Smart Services, a joint programme by the departments of Quantitative Economics and Marketing & Supply Chain Management.

Similarly, we contribute to courses that cover aspects of data science within the MSc in Financial Economics and within two MSc in International Business specialisations, Information Management and Business Intelligence and Strategic Marketing.

The theme's activities are also reflected in the forthcoming BSc in Business Engineering. Additionally, we aim to develop new courses and tracks to further strengthen SBE’s data science education.

Research master's programmes/PhD education

The MSc in Econometrics and Operations Research courses to which D3M contributes are also available to all students in the Research Master in Economic and Financial Research and the Research Master in Business Research.

Postgraduate education and alumni

In collaboration with UMIO and the study associations, we plan to organise events for current students as well as alumni and their companies. As many former students now work in industry as analytics professionals, these workshops will provide opportunities for current students to see where our education can lead them, and for businesses to find new recruits, including for (thesis) internships.