
  • Since the extension of the visit ban last June, 78 nursing home locations in the Netherlands have been monitored via a so-called monitor study by the Academic Workplaces for Elderly Care led by UM and Radboudumc

  • The Province of Limburg has awarded a second tranche of subsidy of 2,040,000 euros to the 'Kennis-As' project LIME (LImburg MEet). LIME has proven itself in recent years as an accessible and interdisciplinary knowledge center and innovation platform for healthcare.

  • Mark Post is a man on a mission. The environmental damage caused by livestock farming is far too great and must be dramatically reduced. His contribution? Cultured meat. These days, he’s not just a scientist, but also the director of Mosa Meat, a business that has drawn 75 million Euros in...

  • Simon Cornelissen isn't only attending the master's programme in Medicine. In addition to his busy curriculum, he is also an ensign with the Dutch Ministry of Defence and a working student at the Defensity College. Watch the video.


  • 15 organisations involved in animal testing in the Netherlands have signed the Dutch Transparency Agreement on Animal Testing with a commitment to communicate in a more open way about how animals are used in research. This agreement was drafted by various Dutch researchers in collaboration with the...

  • Brightlands Campus Greenport Venlo is welcoming a new company this fall: InnerBuddies. This first Maastricht University spin-off is setting up shop at the campus with 27-year-old Jella Theeuwen at the helm as CEO.

  • International Open Access Week 2021 will take place from 25-31 October. This year we are paying extra attention to new developments, services and tips. We are launching a new OA Journal Browser, a preprint guide, and organising drop-in sessions. But there's more. Read on and discover seven ways to...

  • Scientists and cardiologists have known for decades that once a piece of heart muscle has died, for example due to a heart attack, it will never grow back. However, a research group from Maastricht University led by Professor Leon de Windt has now shown that by tinkering with microRNAs, heart muscle...

  • Guide with available Open Access APC deals and discounts for submitting UM and MUMC+ authors. In this guide, an overview of the available arrangements and how you can use these deals.

  • 10 selection criteria to consider when you search for the right journal for your article. Let us help you with our 10-step guide to find journals where you could submit your manuscript.