
  • FPN’s prof. dr. Rainer Goebel has been awarded an ERC Advanced Grant of € 2,5M for his research project Reading the Mind’s Eye: AI inspired personalised brain models of mental imagery. Goebel is among 255 researchers (out of 1829 applications in all domains) in Europe to receive the grant, and he is...

  • The project "BioBased Circular" has received a grant of €338 million in the third round of the National Growth Fund. The School of Business and Economics is represented in this project by Herman Wories, Programme Director at BISCI.

  • In 2002, Maastricht University became the first university outside the United States to The Frontiers in Service Conference. Now, after 21 years, The School of Business and Economics is proud to have once again welcomed service researchers from around the globe for this prestigious event.

  • Professor Fred Zijlstra is set to retire in May. How does he look back on his career? What is his take on current developments in the field of work and organisational psychology? And how can we, as a society, best organise work—now and in the future?

  • On 8 June, Professor Fred Zijlstra will bid farewell to the Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience and his Chair in Work and Organisational Psychology. In his farewell address, he will look back on the work that has fascinated him for so long. We met him in his office to get a preview of this...

  • Why do humans act the way they do? To answer this complex question, Hannes Rusch has to be a bit of everything: economist, biologist, philosopher, mathematician. He recently received a €1.5 million ERC Starting Grant to develop and empirically validate an interdisciplinary theoretical framework for...

  • Is sustainability worthwhile? Or is it only worth it if it makes financial sense? Professor in Real Estate Finance Nils Kok and Professor of Planetary Health Pim Martens discuss.

  • Elia Formisano, professor of Neural Signal Analysis at the Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience recently published a paper in Nature Neuroscience in collaboration with Bruno Giordano at Université Aix-Marseille, France and Michele Esposito, Giancarlo Valente. The title of the paper is Intermediate...

  • Things are bustling around the kitchen table of Burak Can, associate professor of Data Analytics and Digitalisation. A mix of Turkish, English and Dutch can be heard. “I speak Turkish with my children, my wife Ingrid speaks Dutch with them, and we speak English with each other.” On the menu is one...

  • Do vegetables taste better if you get to choose? With her research, Rosalie Mourmans, PhD student at the Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience, tries to answer this question. This research earned her a place among the ten finalists of the Klokhuis Science Prize: a prize for interesting scientific...