FASoS researchers recognised for science communication activities

FASoS has been successful in the pilot fund ‘Science communication by scientists: Appreciated!’, a programme administered by the KNAW to support scientists who are committed to science communication.

The Dutch Minister of Education, Culture and Science has made one million euros available for this purpose. This fund is administered by the Academy. The pilot fund is in line with the new way of recognising and appreciating scientists, which has recently been introduced within the Dutch knowledge field. Science communication is seen as an integral part of an academic career. The pilot fund is one of the initiatives of the Minister of Education, Culture and Science to encourage science communication.

Dean Christine Neuhold submitted the application on behalf of the Faculty. Those involved include Anna Harris (secretary), Veerle Spronck, Lea Beiermann, Sally Wyatt, Joeri Bruyninckx and Eva Durlinger.

 More information about the pilot fund

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