Care Network Elsloo is praised for interprofessional collaboration and receives John Horder Team Award 2020

The Center for the Advancement of Interprofessional Education (CAIPE) and The Royal Society of Medicine from the United Kingdom have awarded The John Horder Team Award 2020 to the team of "Zorgnetwerk Elsloo"  (Care Network Elsloo) on 7 July 2020. Zorgnetwork Elsloo is an interprofessional local care network in which healthcare professionals and social work services, residents of the village of Elsloo and the municipality of Stein work together with the Department of General Practice of Maastricht University (Loes van Bokhoven and Anneke van Dijk) and Hogeschool Zuyd (Hester Smeets, José van Oppen and Albine Moser).

John Horder was a British general practitioner and was one of the founders of the district health care system within the British National Health Service (NHS).

The John Horder team award is presented annually to "a team working within the community that can demonstrate outstanding principles of collaborative working".

The jury report reads as follows:
“On behalf of the assessment panel for the John Horder Team Award, I am writing to say that we are delighted that you and your colleagues have been chosen to receive the award for 2020.
The members of the panel were very impressed by your project which they felt demonstrated a deep understanding of the interprofessional issues involved and effectively addressed the criteria for the award. We were also impressed by the way in which you have built sustainability and continuity into your project. ”

Usually, the award ceremony takes place at the conference of the Royal Society of Medicine, but due to Covid-19, this conference cannot take place this year. Instead, the team will give a presentation about the collaboration within the Care Network Elsloo during an online award event on 10 December (to join, please register here). The team has won £ 600 for investment in the field, but is especially proud to have received recognition from such large and renowned organizations for their successful interprofessional collaboration!

Would you like to know more about Zorgnetwork Elsloo? Read our interview with Anneke van Dijk here

Zorgplatform Elsloo

For more information about Zorgnetwerk Elsloo, please contact: 

Loes van Bokhoven
Chair Zorgnetwork Elsloo  
General practitioner and associate professor at the Dept. of General Practice, Maastricht University

Anneke van Dijk
Coordinator Zorgnetwerk Elsloo

Hester Smeets
Zuyd University of applied Sciences

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