Andries de Grip receives € 450.000 NRO “Lifelong Learning” grant

The research project “Lifelong Learning and competence development” of Andries de Grip, Director of the Research Centre for Education and the Labour Market (ROA) and Professor of Economics has been granted € 450.000.

The research will give insights in how we can foster lifelong learning in order to deal with challenges like fast technological developments and the consequences of the postponement of retirement in the Netherlands. Since it is rather a broad research topic, the research is divided in 3 more specific projects.

Andries de Grip and his research team (Barbara Belfi, Peter van Eldert, Didier Fouarge, Annemarie Künn-Nelen, Davey Poulissen and Bas ter Weel) aim on getting interesting insights on the drivers and effects of lifelong learning.

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