
  • 03 Jun

    Graduate School Methods Seminar

    We are very excited to announce that the Graduate School is starting a new series of Graduate School Methods Seminars. The Methods Seminars are convened by Elvira Loibl, Monika Leszczyńska, Michele Ubertone, and Daniel On, with the goal of introducing members of our faculty, PhD candidates, Master’s...

  • 06 Jun
    13:00 - 19:30

    Joint Education Day

    A joint education meeting for Law staff of UM, UHasselt and KU Leuven. The registration deadline is May 23rd. 

  • 13 Jun

    Environmental Law Lecture Series

    This lecture series provides a set of important insights from environmental law scholars on how EU environmental law helps to achieve the aim of a high level of environmental protection in the European Union and across the world.