
Who should attend?
This course is highly interesting for all those who are part of an organization’s regulatory body like Legal, Enterprise Risk, Compliance, Governance, Project Office, Finance as well as other executives who wish to gain an understanding of what information security management is about. 

EUR 1250

The fee includes access to the online platform with pre-recorded sessions and reading materials, 4 live sessions on Maastricht University zoom platform, access to recordings of the live re-cap sessions.


Cancellation policy
Maastricht University reserves the right to cancel the event up to two weeks before the starting date and cannot accept responsibility for any costs incurred. Participants will either be reimbursed or offered to participate in another ECPC conference or training.

Refunds will be given to participants who cancel their registration 6 weeks prior to the start of the course. If you cancel your participation six to three weeks prior to the start of the course, Maastricht University can refund only 50% of your registration fee. If you cancel your participation less then three weeks prior to the start of the course, you will need to pay your entire registration fee.

Any questions about this online course or about your registration?

Please contact:
Sanne Janssen - de Bok
Send me an email