Latest blog articles

  • What is the perspective of several countries on punitive damages in and outside of Europe? What issues arise from the recognition and enforcement of foreign (mostly US) punitive damages judgments? How do different countries view the public policy exception?

    These questions and more were among the...

  • Aletta Jacobs_blog van anna goldberg

    Aletta Jacobs

    Dr. Aletta Jacobs is, in ieder geval voor de meeste Nederlanders, de belichaming van vrouwenrechten en gelijkheid. Maar hoeveel weet je nou écht van deze beroemde feministe? En waarom hebben we een onderwijsruimte naar deze vrouw vernoemd?

  • After more than seventy years of the trials in Neurenberg and Tokio, and more than twenty years since the set up of the ad hoc-tribunals for former Yugoslavia and Rwanda, we wonder wether something is wrong with the International Criminal Court? (Dutch only)

  • Expect no mercy

    ‘Expect no mercy’

    In November 2016 the Public Prosecution Department (OM) announced to prepare civil proceedings against the Bandidos Motorcycle Club (MC). The government has to protect the citizens. The freedom of association stops once the encouragement and the use of criminal acts starts. (Dutch only)

  • In Germany, various chapters of outlaw motorcycle gangs have been prohibited over the last decades. The Netherlands are currently working on a case to effectuate a ban. However, the effectiveness of a ban to tackle (organised) outlaw biker crime remains to be seen. This blog is only available in...

  • Rethinking how we make our value judgments, not just by asking a litany of “why questions”, but through a more systematic process – as advocated by Hage – enables us to debate with one another at a much deeper level, rather than settling for a superficial conversation based on our (sometimes flawed)...