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  • Every year in November, one of the Faculties that forms part of the Ius Commune Research School organises the annual Ius Commune Conference. In this context, a selection of plenary sessions and workshops are held, which allow panellists to present their research and discuss topics closely related to...

  • Stimulating cross-border labour mobility? Provide an adequate supply of information, uniformity in laws and regulations, language education and infrastructure, suggests 'ontgrenzer' Martin Unfried in an interview with EurekaRail.

  • Last Friday, in Obergefell et al v. Hodges the United States Supreme Court by a 5-4 vote held that same-sex couples may exercise the right to marry in all US States. President Obama, a fervent supporter and promotor of the gay-marriage and gay rights, decided to light up the White House as a rainbow...