Latest blog articles

  • The results of the election in the Netherlands is that the biggest party only has 33 seats out of 150. At least four parties are needed for a majority government. How will this lead to a new coalition? (in Dutch) by Peter Bootsma.

  • Trump for President MLR blogs

    Blind trust?

    May the US President appoint his son in law as advisor to the White House? For quite a lot formal appointments the President needs the advice and consent (permission) from the senate, but not here. Is it permissible? 

  • Duo blog by Dersim Yabasun and Alexander Hoogenboom

    At the outset of this blog there is reason to underline the value of an effective asylum policy. There is a tendency in some populist media, as well as among some populist politicians, to depict and cast the current humanitarian crisis as largely...